
Creating mods has become progressively more complicated and convoluted after every update, which means you have to spend more and more of your time wrestling with a dozen different registry events, blockstate generators, tag generation, capability and tile entity serialization, and even more that you likely missed or forgot about.

This is unacceptable. Every hour you spend wrestling with an event is an hour you aren’t spending creating. That’s where Foundation comes in. Its goal is to maximize the amount of time you spend creating by handling the boilerplate and bullshit for you.

…and oh boy, the bullshit. Minecraft’s codebase is a never-ending source of the stuff, which can often be overwhelming or disheartening for someone who just wants to create. For example…

Did you know that at bare minimum blocks have to be configured in at least eight separate locations? Or that when generating tags you have to list all the blocks with the tag, as opposed to adding tags to the block? Or that generating models properly requires wrapping the default ExistingFileHelper so it doesn’t crash when generating BlockItem models? Or that generating loot tables involves a list of pairs of biconsumer consumer suppliers and loot parameter sets, and also requires overriding the validation function so the generator doesn’t just crash?

This is why LibrarianLib, and specifically Foundation exists. I deal with all the bullshit so you don’t have to.